Free Steam promotions, free weekends, and giveaways. Always up to date. ABSA has launched a new online Learning Management System (LMS), allowing users to remotely engage in online learning activities. Initial offerings include online versions of the Pressure Equipment Safety Legislation (PESL) and AB-528 Requirements for Reduced Supervision seminars, and material related to changes to the 2020 Edition of ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code.
Submissions for Vol. 24 open Dec. 1, 2020 and close March 15, 2021. The issue will be released late April/early May, 2021.
We accept only email submissions. Please send your work as a single attachment (MS Word, PDF, or RTF) to Please indicate in the subject line whether your submission is poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or artwork. Please submit only once per submission period until you hear from us.
Poetry: Send three to five poems (as one attachment). 50 line maximum per poem.
Fiction and Creative Nonfiction: 4,000 words maximum. Flash-fictions encouraged. Generic genre pieces (sci-fi/fantasy/romance) might find better audiences elsewhere. Manuscripts should be double-spaced and include author’s contact information.
Artwork: We welcome photographs, drawings (lead, pen and ink, charcoal etc) on any subject. Please send as JPEGs or TIFFs and include titles for each piece. NOTE: Accepted artwork will be reproduced in black and white.
Include abrief bio and your mailing address.
Payment is in contributor’s copies.
Steam Ticket Mhw
Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Please inform us immediately if submitted work is accepted elsewhere. We do not consider submissions of previously published work in any form (including prior internet publication).
How To Make A Steam Ticket
Steam Ticket acquires only first serial publication rights of accepted work. Copyright is asserted on behalf of the author, and all reprint rights revert to the author upon publication.